The City Hall Chamber
The City Hall Chamber is a site with great historic significance. Many key events in Singapore’s history have taken place here, including the surrender of the Japanese in 1945, ending the Japanese occupation of Southeast Asia, and the swearing-in of the first Cabinet of Singapore led by Mr Lee Kuan Yew in June 1959 amongst others.
The image above is of Lord Louis Mountbatten reading the terms of surrender before the Japanese delegation officially signs the documents of surrender. The marble columns you see in the image are still part of the Chamber today!
You and the Inspector search all over the large building, but still can't find where Professor Chronicle could have hidden the State Crest. "Just this last room left!" Inspector Kay pants as you two arrive at the City Hall Chamber. Your search is rewarded as you two encounter a puzzle on the Chamber door!
"Let's search for clues! They have to be around here somewhere." Inspector Kay starts looking around the corridor.
Click here to investigate.