
You've found our National Symbols just in time!

Image courtesy of the National Archives of Singapore

The Story

You and Inspector Kay have now collected all the National Symbols!

The presentation ceremony goes without a hitch, and the Inspector hunts you down after the event ends. "Thanks for your help, my Assistant! I would have been in deep trouble if not for your help!"

"These National Symbols are extremely important as they represent the hopes and resolve of a young nation-state to build our own future. They are part of our national identity!" The Inspector reaches out and claps you on your shoulder excitedly.

Just then, the Inspector points at a shadowy figure slinking by. "Stop! Professor Chronicle!" The Inspector shouts and gives chase immediately. You sprint after them, hoping to catch the notorious thief, but just as you turn the corner of the building, you crash into something and fall to the ground hard!

As you shake your head to clear it from the stars, someone helps you up. You thank him but you do a double take when you realise it's...

"Inspector Kay?" You say hesitantly. He wasn't wearing this outfit earlier, was he? And... where did the stage and event go?

The person shakes his head. "No, I'm just a tour guide, but my name is Kay." He starts leading the way towards the City Hall. You look around and realise that you seem to be back in 2020.

"Oh, it was just a dream," you think, as you smile at Kay.

"We've met before, haven't we, my Assistant?" Kay grins. As you stare at him, stunned, he winks at you. "You may have already seen these buildings before, but let's have a great tour today too!"

What's Next?

Thanks for playing "The Search for Our National Symbols"! If you are intrigued by the history of these buildings and our National Symbols, visit the actual locations showcased in this game to see this part of history for yourself!

Victoria Theatre and Concert Hall, the Arts House and the National Gallery are all walking distance within each other in the heart of Singapore. Have a great walking tour!


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